A note from our founder
In 1982, my parents arrived in Australia with just the clothes on their backs and three children under the age of five, having escaped the horrors of the Vietnam War.
It was due to the kindness of strangers that my family were able to get settled with a safe place to live, furniture, clothing, and the opportunity to create a new life for ourselves.
Due to the sacrifices that my parents made, my three brothers and I have been incredibly fortunate to have been given a quality education and the opportunity to pursue our wildest ambitions. It was through the transformational power of education that we were able to move beyond the hardship that my parents experienced when they first arrived in Australia.
I firmly believe that all children, regardless of the community in which they were born into deserve the opportunity to think big, learn and reach their fullest potential. For me, giving the gift of learning empowers people to follow their dreams and change their lives and this is why Spectrum Tuition is a proud supporter of Room to Read.

Room to Read seeks to transform the lives of millions of children in developing countries by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education.
When Girls Stay in School, Life Improves…for Everyone
Whether or not a girl stays in school has an astounding effect on not only her quality of life, but on her future family’s as well. It has been found that for a girl in one the most disadvantaged parts of the world, staying in school longer means she is more likely to build a smaller and healthier family, earn a higher wage, marry later and educate her own children — ending the cycle of illiteracy in just one generation.

Room to Read has benefitted 12.5 million children across over 20,000 communities in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Grenada, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Laos, Nepal, Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia, and aims to reach 15 million children by 2020.
Learn more at www.roomtoread.org and click here to see the impact that the programs have had on its graduates.
This is why from 2019, I am pleased to announce that Spectrum Tuition will donate $10 for every new student who enrols at any of our campuses to children’s literacy programs through Room to Read.

Every $70 raised will help a child to read & write for an entire year.
Our goal is to raise $3500 in our first year to give 50 additional children the opportunity to read and write for an entire year through Room to Read’s Literacy Program.
With your enrolment and your support, not only will you be giving your child the opportunity to grow, but you will also be helping to give a needy child who is willing to learn a fighting chance to succeed.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Thuy Pham Founder Spectrum Tuition
To book in for a free assessment, please call us on 1800 668 177 or click here