For tailored tools that match your child’s specific year level to assist in preparing for upcoming scholarship exams and selective revision, click on the link below. You’ll be able to choose the most suitable option based on the time you have left until the exam. This resource is designed to help expedite your child’s learning effectively within your available timeframe.


Scholarship Searcher

Our scholarship searcher tool helps you locate scholarships nearby and links you to recommended products tailored for each scholarship’s preparation.

Click here to access: https://scholarshipsearcher.com.au/

Online Courses

With the summer holidays around the corner, here is your opportunity to create a home learning program to help your child keep pace and get a head start for the next year. Spectrum Tuition offers students the opportunity to learn the complete Prep – curriculum at your own pace and convenience, right from home. Our courses are flexible, catering to students who are either advancing quickly or need to reinforce their understanding.

Click here to select your course: https://online.spectrumtuition.com/

Digital Bookstore

Explore our extensive digital bookstore for all the materials necessary for your next scholarship or select entry exam. Catering to exams aligned with ACER, EDUTEST, and Academic Assessment Services, our resources will help your child gain the confidence they need to succeed.

Explore the Digital Bookstore: https://spectrumdigitalshop.com/collections/all

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