One of the main challenges students often face during any exam season is the need to write a coherent and insightful analytical piece within a limited timeframe. Analytical writing tests your ability to think critically, organise your thoughts, and present arguments clearly. Below is a comprehensive guide to help you master the art of analytical writing, especially when you have just 20 minutes to complete the task!

Understand the Prompt

Read the Prompt Carefully:

Before you begin writing, take a moment to thoroughly read the prompt. Look for keywords that indicate the type of analysis required. Understanding exactly what the prompt is asking will set you on the right path from the start.

Identify the Task:

Determine whether you need to compare and contrast, evaluate, interpret, or explain something. Knowing this will help you structure your response appropriately.

Plan Your Time

Allocate Time Wisely:

1-2 minutes: Read and understand the prompt.
2-3 minutes: Outline your essay.
10-12 minutes: Write the essay.
2-3 minutes: Review and revise.
Breaking down your time helps ensure that each part of the writing process gets the attention it needs without feeling rushed.

Write a Clear Contention or Thesis Statement

Be Direct:

The most important part of an analytical essay is to clearly state your contention.  A strong contention provides a roadmap for your essay and keeps your writing focused.

Create a Quick Outline


Now you are ready to write!


Briefly introduce your main point or contention. This sets the stage for your argument and lets the reader know what to expect. It’s also important to outline the arguments you will be including in the body of your essay.

TIP: Our template sentences can help you structure and write your essays. Refer to your booklets to help you.

Body Paragraphs:

First Point: Present your first point with supporting evidence.

Use Evidence and Examples

Support Your Claims: Use specific examples and evidence to back up your points. This not only strengthens your argument but also demonstrates your understanding of the material.

Second Point: Present your second point with supporting evidence.
Third Point: Present your third point with supporting evidence (if time allows).

Write a rebuttal statement

Conclusion: Summarise your main points and restate your thesis. A strong conclusion reinforces your argument and leaves a lasting impression.

Stay Focused

Stay Focused: Ensure that all parts of your essay relate back to your contention. This coherence is key to a well-structured analytical piece.

Be Concise: Choose the most relevant pieces of evidence and explain their significance briefly. Avoid getting bogged down in too much detail.

Stay Organised

Have a Clear Structure: Ensure each paragraph has a clear main idea and follows logically from one to the next. A well-organised essay is easier to read and more persuasive.

Use Transition Words: Use transition words and phrases to link your ideas smoothly. This helps maintain the flow of your essay and guides the reader through your argument.

Write Clearly and Concisely
Simple Language: Use straightforward language to make your points clearly. Complex vocabulary and convoluted sentences can obscure your argument.

Avoid Fluff: Stick to the point and avoid unnecessary filler. Every sentence should contribute to your overall argument or analysis.

Leave Time for Review

Check for Errors: Look for and correct any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Clean writing reflects well on you and your attention to detail.

Ensure Clarity: Make sure your argument is clear and your evidence is presented logically. If something seems unclear to you, it will likely be unclear to your reader as well.

Confirm Completeness: Ensure you have answered all parts of the prompt. Missing a key aspect of the task can significantly impact your score.

Practise Makes Perfect!

Practise Writing: Do practice essays under timed conditions to get used to the pace. The more you practise, the more comfortable you will become with the process.

Get Feedback: If possible, have someone review your practice essays and provide feedback. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.

Stay Calm and Focused

Stay Positive: Confidence is key; believe in your ability to do well. A positive mindset can greatly influence your performance.

Stay on Task: Keep an eye on the time, but don’t let it stress you out. Focus on the task at hand and move through your outline methodically.

By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can improve your ability to write an effective analytical essay within a limited timeframe. Good luck with your exams, and remember, practice and preparation are your best allies!

Try out these tips on the following prompts


1. The Impact of Technology on Daily Life:

Analyse how the use of technology, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, has changed the way students communicate, learn, and entertain themselves. Discuss both the positive and negative effects of these technological advancements on daily life.

2. Character Analysis in a Favourite Book:

Choose a character from a favourite book and analyse their development throughout the story. Discuss the character’s traits, motivations, and how they change or grow. Provide examples from the book to support your analysis.

3. The Importance of Team Sports:

Analyse the benefits of participating in team sports for young people. Discuss how team sports can teach important life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. Provide examples from personal experience or well-known athletes.

4. Environmental Conservation Efforts:

Examine different ways communities and individuals can contribute to environmental conservation. Analyze the effectiveness of recycling programs, conservation campaigns, or the use of renewable energy sources. Discuss the impact these efforts can have on the environment.

5. The Role of Heroes in Society:

Analyse the concept of a hero in today’s society. Discuss what qualities make someone a hero and how heroes can influence others. Provide examples of real-life heroes, such as firefighters, doctors, or historical figures, and analyse their impact on society.

Good luck!

If you would like to learn more about how Spectrum Tuition can help with your writing goals, please contact us on 1800 668 177