Last week, Spectrum Tuition’s Thuy Pham spoke to SBS news, sharing her experiences and opinions regarding the upcoming NAPLAN test. The story, which features on Monday night’s broadcast, questions whether the test puts undue pressure on students whose teachers are overly focused on improving their scores.
Thuy explains that problems arise primarily when teachers focus too heavily on preparing students for the test without providing a more general and productive understanding of the fundamental concepts behind the questions: “If you just give students the test, and you just go through the test, without teaching them any of the content before that, then it’s all going to be a waste of time.”
On the other hand, Thuy suggested that, in classes, such as those at Spectrum Tuition, that focus on the fundamental skills required by the NAPLAN, and not just on how to get through the test, studying for the NAPLAN can be a productive and valuable activity:”Regardless of whether you’re coming specifically for NAPLAN training or not, we find that it’s a very worthwhile experience, to do NAPLAN style questions.”
You can view the full story here. If you would like to know more about the NAPLAN test and what it means for your child, please visit our website for more information.