Our online classes are designed to be like having your own private tutor to take you through the Spectrum Tuition courses at a day and time that is convenient for you! Tutors will take you through all aspects of the curriculum or through courses that specifically teach students techniques on how to tackle questions that are likely to appear on competitive exams so students feel more confident and prepared.
Our online learning platform includes:
- Coursebooks that contain three related topics that build on from the previous week’s material each containing:
- Explanations to build knowledge
- Worked examples
- Levelled practice questions
- Homework activities
PDFs of the coursebooks are also fillable so you no longer need to print out books. Details on how to download fillable PDFs are detailed in this video
- Weekly videos embedded into the site that guide students through the coursebook in detail. These videos will be available to students at all times, allowing them to work at their own pace where they can pause and rewind when necessary.
- Weekly quizzes to recap the previous week’s work. Quizzes can be completed online with online tracking of results
- A separate online community just containing students who are enrolled in the specific course to discuss aspects of the work if required.
More details on our online platform can be found in this video.
You asked, we listened! Based on feedback, from Term 3, a tutor for each subject and year level will be online on Saturdays from 10:00am – 1:15pm to answer any questions that may arise during the videos for the morning session and from 2:00pm – 5:15pm for the afternoon session.
We have separate rooms for every year level so your child will always be able to get the individual help they need and our tutors across multiple campuses work as a team to move between rooms if there are more students who need help within a particular room.
The way it works is your child can learn at their own pace using the online videos. There is a link on every page as well as the first page to your child’s specific Zoom meeting. When your child needs anything clarified from the class, they can simply click on the link and access the tutor online immediately to resolve their issue. They can either remain on the call with the tutor or log off and return when they have another issue.
If there are multiple students and tutors within the one room, we use a feature called ‘Breakout rooms’ which allow the tutor and student to go to a separate room. We can also group students with similar difficulties together if required to clarify concepts.
We understand that the online environment has been difficult to adjust to for many students and parents and we don’t want you to feel as though you are alone which is why we will be checking in more regularly with you to see how students are progressing and to ensure they are on the right track.
Here are some of images of our students engaging in our online courses:

To enrol, please complete the form below.
Click here to enrol in Term 3 classes
For new students, complete the online assessment first by clicking on the link below: